Sep 25, 2009

From Myvatn to Landmannalaugar

DSC_6942 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We took a bus to go south to the famous Landmannalaugar area, it was raining, Godafoss, DSC_6829 Aldeyjarfoss: DSC_6838 Hofsjökull glacier, DSC_6888 DSC_6942-Edit Hrauneyjar, an hotel lost lost in the middle of a lava field: DSC_6959 DSC_6971 and we arrived to Landmannalaugar: [Group 38]-pano140 1_pano140 3-3 images0000 a dubitative Islandic sheep: DSC_7003 Hot spring water: DSC_7016 view of the camping: [Group 39]-pano142 1_pano142 3-3 images0000 [Group 42]-pano145 1_pano145 9-14 images0000 [Group 44]-pano147 1_pano147 2-2 images0000 DSC_7114 DSC_7116 [Group 46]-pano149 1_pano149 9-20 images0000 Icelandic horses: DSC_7221 DSC_7225 [Group 53]-pano156 1_pano156 3-3 images0000 DSC_7250 Commandant Cousteau packing his bag... He wore a red hat and snored like the Calypso diesel engine... DSC_7256


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