Sep 16, 2009

From Reykjavik to Akureyri

pano27 2 The next day we went to Akureyri, second most populated town (15000) of Iceland after Reykjavik. We took a 4x4 bus, DSC_5206 the Road 1, DSC_5212 a glacier, [18]-pano21 1_pano21 6 We took the road F35 and slowly the landscape became a desert, [Group 1]-pano3 1_pano3 2-2 images pano27 3 Kerlingarfjöll crossroads... [9]-pano29 1_pano29 2 DSC_5385-2 courageous cyclists, DSC_5419 geothermal sources in Hrveravellir: DSC_5426 DSC_5430 a traditional farm, DSC_5441 Islandic sheeps, DSC_5458 [14]-pano34 1_pano34 6 and we arrived in Akureyri: DSC_5513 DSC_5522


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